Blog posts
Toxic Crystals
Posted by Elizabeth van Ophem on
Toxic Crystals. This article is not meant to scare anyone. It is meant to inform you. There is no need to fear crystals or handling them. But some crystals need to be flagged so you can take precautions after handling them. Like washing your hands after holding. Some crystals should not be used in elixirs or water bottles. Crystal water bottles have become very popular in the last few years. They are great I have a few myself. There are two types of water bottles, available in the market. Ones that the crystal is exposed and the is touching the...
Metaphysical, Spiritual and healing properties of crystals
Posted by Elizabeth van Ophem on
Metaphysical, Spiritual and healing properties of crystals Actinolite I feel sheltered Actinolite helps you to connect to nature. Helps to deflective negativity, and helps you to receive guidance from your angels Associated with the heart chakra. Actinolite is an amphibole silicate and has a hardness of 5-6. Agate I feel Anchored Agate is good grounding stone. Helps you to feel anchored in your life and decisions you make. Associated with the root chakra. Agate are chalcedony and have a hardness of 7. Amazonite I feel Truthful Amazonite helps you to find the truth you are seeking. Helps to bring balance to...
Crystals for self love
Posted by Elizabeth van Ophem on
Crystals for Self love Self love is very important. You should always love yourself, but I realize that many have as Jennifer Grace says an itty bitty shitty committee in their head, giving them self doubt and false beliefs about themselves. Your can wear them, carry them, or place them anywhere in your home. Here are some common crystals that can help with self love. Rose quartz Rose quartz is from the quartz family, which is a silicon dioxide crystal with a Mohs hardness of 7. Rose quartz is known as the love crystal, but it is for self love....
How to cut psychic cords from people and how to cleanse your aura
Posted by Elizabeth van Ophem on
Have you every been near someone who just seems to suck the life out of you. Or makes you feel bad for just being who you are. Sometimes they are co-workers or family, and it is difficult to stay away from them. Tired of feeling drain by these people? Psychic cords are thin light connections from your chakras to other people or things. These cords can become damaged over time when dealing with toxic people. To help remove the negativity I suggest cutting cords from them. It is quick and easy. Black obsidian, black kyanite fans and black tourmaline are...
How to use a pendulum
Posted by Elizabeth van Ophem on
Pendulums are a form of scrying that goes back thousands of years to ancient Rome. Once you receive your pendulum, it is always a good idea to cleanse it before use. Some places like crystal creedence do clean the stones before shipping but other places do not. Once your pendulum is energetically clean, sit quietly with the pendulum in your hands. Get the feel for it. Take as long as you like, there is no right or wrong amount of time to do this. When you are ready, hold the pendulum by the string(chain), in your dominant hand between your...