Blog posts

What does it mean when you hear “Work with your crystals”?

Posted by Elizabeth van Ophem on

When I first started this journey with crystals, I use to always here.” I am working with this crystal, or work with your crystal. “I never knew what that meant and was afraid to ask in case I looked silly. When I found out what it meant, I realized that I was already “working with crystals”. On most occasions you intuitively will know what crystal you need to work with. There will be a strong attraction to a certain crystal. These are the crystals you should start with. Working with your crystal means, getting to know your crystals vibration. When...

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The seven chakras

Posted by Elizabeth van Ophem on

Root chakra- I AM The root chakra is located at the base of your spine Crystals associated with the root chakra are red, black or brown coloured crystals. Such as black tourmaline, red jasper and smokey quartz. The root chakra increases courage. Helps with strength, stability and grounding. Sacral chakra- I FEEL The sacral chakra is between the pelvic bone and the navel. Crystals associated with the sacral chakra are orange-coloured crystals such as carnelian, orange calcite and fire agate. The sacral chakra increases creativity. Helps with emotional balance and sexual energy. Solar plexus chakra- I DO The solar plexus...

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Crystals for Protection

Posted by Elizabeth van Ophem on

Crystals for protection Protection crystals are some of the most powerful crystals available to us. These crystals can help protect our energy fields, whether our auric fields or our physical environments. Many of these crystals are dark in colour but not always. Here is a list of the 10 most common protection crystals available. Black Tourmaline Black tourmaline is an aluminum-based crystal, with a hardness of 7-7.5 on the Mohs scale. It is associated with the root chakra. Another name for black tourmaline is Schorl. Black tourmaline helps remove negativity from your environment. It purifies and protects. It aids in grounding...

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Crystal grids

Posted by Elizabeth van Ophem on

Crystal Grids Crystal grids are when you place crystals in a scared geometric pattern to create a flow of energy. They can be large or small, they can be created for spiritual practices or for representation and manifestation. The practice of grid work goes back centuries, the best example would be Stonehenge, mandalas and medicine wheels. Grids can be small or large, they can be placed inside or outside. They can be in your home or workplace on a printed pattern or free style. Grids can also be place at the perimeter of your room or property for protection or...

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You don't need permission to follow your intuition.

Posted by Elizabeth van Ophem on

You don’t need permission to follow your intuition.   I have been noticing something that has been on my mind, and I feel the need to discuss it. This is purely my opinion. Some of my customers have been coming into my shop but are afraid to purchase certain crystals based on what they have been told by others or read about. They are afraid to touch the crystals and are afraid to combine certain crystals. My best example was from a lovely lady who told me she loves Tigers eye but cannot get it. When I asked her why,...

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