Metaphysical, Spiritual and healing properties of crystals

Posted by Elizabeth van Ophem on

Metaphysical, Spiritual and healing properties of crystals


I feel Anchored

Agate is good grounding stone. Helps you to feel anchored in your life and decisions you make. 

Associated with the root chakra.

Agate are chalcedony and have a hardness of 7.


I feel Truthful

Amazonite helps you to find the truth you are seeking. Helps to bring balance to mind and spirit. 

Associated with the heart and throat chakras.

Amazonite is a feldspar and have a hardness of 6.


I feel Warmth

Amber is fossilized tree sap thousands of years old. Amber is not a crystal. Amber can bring warmth to your life. 

Associated with the solar plexus chakra.

Amber has a hardness of 3.


I Feel a Divine Connection

Amethyst helps you to make a connection with your spirit guides through a deepen mediation. Ancient Greeks believed that Amethyst would stop you from becoming drunk if you placed a piece in your wine.

Associated with third eye and crown chakras.

Amethyst is a quartz-based crystal and has a hardness of 7.


I feel my angels

Angelite is an excellent crystal to work with when you need to feel your angels around you. Helps you feel peaceful and inspired.

Associated with the throat chakra.

Angelite is a Calcium sulfate mineral and has a hardness of 3.5.

Apache tear

I feel released

Apache tear can help you to release emotional burdens that have been weighing on your spirit.

Associated with the root, sacral and heart chakra.

Apache tear is a silica rich volcanic mineral with a hardness of 5.5.


I feel knowledgeable

Apatite helps you to access an inner knowledge. Also good for lucid dreaming and dream recall. Can also aid in healthy weight loss.

Associated with the throat and third eye chakra.

Apatite is a calcium phosphate with a hardness of 5.


I feel Inner Knowledge

Apophyllite helps you to connected with your inner self, to find your truth.

Associated with third eye and crown chakra.

Apophyllite is a potassium calcium silicate and has a hardness of 5. 



I feel accepted

Aquamarine helps you to accept yourself and speak your truth. Helps you to release old ways of being.

Associated with heart and throat chakra.

Aquamarine is a beryl and has a hardness of 7.


I feel renewed

Aragonite helps to balance all your emotions, so you feel renewed and cleansed, giving you a sense of calm.

Associated with all chakras.

Aragonite is a calcium carbonate and has a hardness of 3.5-4.


I feel Awareness

Auralite helps to activate higher awareness. It is good to use while mediating.

Associated with all chakras.

Auralite is a quartz-based crystal with a hardness of 7.


I feel intuitive

Azurite is great for enhancing your inner psychic powers, which can lead to better understanding. Helps you to accept your natural gifts.

Associated with the third eye and crown chakras.

Azurite is a copper-based mineral with a hardness of 3.5-4.


I feel intuitive breakthroughs

Mixture of azurite and malachite, this stone can help with enhancing your psychic ability abilities as well as bringing up your creativity and confidence. 

Associated with solar plexus, heart, third eye and crown chakra.

Azurite/Malachite is a copper-based mineral with a hardness of 3.5-4.

Black Kyanite

I feel safe

Black kyanite is a great grounding crystal that helps to protect you from negativity and blocks psychic attacks.

Associated with the root and third eye chakras.

Black kyanite is an aluminum silicate mineral with a hardness of 6.

Black Obsidian

I feel psychic protection.

Black obsidian is a great stone for protection. It helps to protect you from psychic attacks and helps to keep you grounded.

Associated with the root chakra.

Black obsidian is a silica rich volcanic mineral with a hardness of 5.5.

Black Tourmaline

I Feel Protected

Very grounding stone. Helps to bring protection from negative energies in your environment. Good to place at the four corners of your property.

Associated with the root chakra.

Black tourmaline is aluminum borosilicate mineral with a hardness of 7.



I feel purified

Bloodstone helps to remove negative influences in your life. Helps to bring vitality back into your life.

Associated with the root chakra.

Bloodstone is a chalcedony with a hardness of 7.

Blue calcite

I feel soothing

Blue calcite helps to soothe your emotions and helps you to relax.  Helps to open yourself to inspiration.

Associated with the throat and third eye chakras.

Blue calcite is a calcium carbonate mineral and has a hardness of 3.

Blue feldspar

I feel positive 

Blue Feldspar helps to bring positivity into your life. Helps to make you feel more confident in your conversations. 

Associated with the throat chakra.

Blue feldspar is a feldspar and has a hardness of 6.

Blue Kyanite

I feel exploration

Blue kyanite is good for exploration of your spiritual side. Helps you to connect with your guides and past lives.

Associated with the throat and third eye chakras

Blue Kyanite is an aluminum silicate mineral with a hardness of 6.


Blue lace agate

I feel heard

Blue lace agate helps you to speak your truth and feel heard. Also helps you to feel confidence and gives your clarity.

Associated with the throat chakra.

Blue lace agate is a chalcedony with a hardness of 7.

Blue Quartz

I feel inner power

Blue quartz can help you to realize your inner power and strength.  Helps you to make clear decisions.

Associated with throat and third eye chakra.

Blue quartz is quartz-based crystal with a hardness of 7.

Blue Sapphire

I feel discipline

Blue sapphire helps you to communicate with your spirit guides. Helps to give you clear inner vision. 

Associated with the throat and third eye chakra.

Blue Sapphire is a corundum with a hardness of 9.


Blue tigers eye

I feel decisive

Blue tigers eye helps you make decisions that are the best for you. Calms the over acted mind. Helps to give you inner strength.

Associated with the solar plexus, throat and third eye chakra.

Blue tigers eye is also known as Hawks eye, it is a silicon dioxide and has a hardness of 7.


Brecciated Jasper

I feel serenity

Brecciated jasper helps to pull the pieces of your life together. Helps to bond family ties

Associated with the root chakra.

Brecciated jasper is a quartz-based mineral with a hardness of 7.



I feel confident

Bronzite enhances self confidence through inner reflection. Helps you to radiate from within.

Associated with the root and sacral chakra.

Bronzite is a silicate compound of magnesium with a hardness of 5.5-6.5.

Bumblebee jasper

I feel creative

Bumble bee jasper helps bring out your creative juices. It helps to inspire you.

Associated with the solar plexus

Bumblebee jasper is not actually a jasper but is a combination of sulfur, calcium, aragonite, orpinite and realgar and has a hardness of 7.

Calligraphy stone

calligraphy stone is a trade name for coquina jasper. It’s also known as elephant skin jasper, cobra jasper and Mirman stone. This jasper is a combination of bones, fossils and limestone. It has a very distinct pattern. Calligraphy stone helps you to slow down and be present so that you can recharge your personal batteries. 
It is associated with the root and sacral chakras.

It has a hardness of 6.5.


I feel invigorated.

Carnelian energy helps when you are feeling sluggish and need a boost to keep you motivated.

Associated with the root, sacral and heart chakras.

Carnelian is a chalcedony with a hardness of 7.



I feel consciousness

Cavansite is great for helping you connect with your Akashic records. Brings emotional healing and balances the chakras. Inner truth will come to surface.

Associated with the third eye and crown chakra.

Cavansite is a calcium, vanadium, and silicate. With a hardness of 3-4.



I feel uplifted

Celestite helps you to feel uplifted and connected to your spirit guides and angels.

Associated with throat chakra.

Celestite is a sulfate mineral with a hardness of 3.5.


I feel centered

Chalcedony helps to clear negativity, helps you to feel centered and balanced.

Associated with third eye and crown chakras.

Chalcedony is a quartz-based mineral with a hardness of 7.


I feel ancient cultures

Chalcopyrite helps you to connect to ancient cultures.  It can remove blockages and helps open the crown chakra.

Associated with the third eye and crown chakra.

Chalcopyrite is a copper iron sulfide mineral with a hardness of 3.5-4. 


I feel purpose

Charoite can help you find your purpose by releasing past life influences. It helps to purify, heal and clears out other energies that you may have picked up. Also helps encourage deeper mediations.

Associated with the root, solar plexus, third eye and crown chakras.

Charoite is a silicate mineral with a hardness of 5.

Cherry Opal

I feel bright

Cherry opal helps to bring balance, joy, optimism and creativity into your life. Making everything feel bright and hopeful. 

Associated with the root, sacral and heart chakra. 

Opal is a form of silica and has a hardness of 4.5-6.5.   

Chevron Amethyst

I feel clarity

Chevron amethyst can help you achieve clarity in all aspects of your life. If you need guidance try mediating with a chevron amethyst.

Associated with the third eye and crown chakras.

Chevron amethyst is a quartz crystal and has a hardness of 7.


I feel content

Chiastolite can help you feel content in your life and safe here on earth.

Associated with the root and third eye chakra.

Chiastolite is an aluminum silicate and has a hardness of 6.5-7.5.

Chlorite quartz

I feel connected to nature

Chlorite quartz helps to connect you to nature. Helps you create an inner connectiveness. Also good for general physical healing.

Associated with the heart and third eye chakra.

Chlorite quartz is a quartz crystal with chlorite inclusion and has a hardness of 7.

Chrysanthemum stone

I feel awakened.

This crystal helps you to awakening to your full potential. Helps to see both sides of every situation.

Associated with all chakras.

Chrysanthemum stone is limestone with andalusite and has a hardness of 7. 



I feel goddess energies

Chrysocolla helps you to speak from your heart, insisting compassion and inner strength. Connects you to goddess energy.

Associated with heart and throat chakras.

Chrysocolla is a copper silicate with a hardness of 2.5-3.5.



I feel self esteem

Chrysoprase helps improve your self esteem. Also helps with your creative side so you will not fear taking risks. Also reminds you to stay compassionate with yourself.

Associated with the solar plexus and heart chakra.

Chrysoprase is a chalcedony with a hardness of 7.


I Feel Prosperity

Citrine helps to manifest prosperity and abundance. Helps to promote joy and creativity.

Associated with the solar plexus.

Citrine is a quartz-based mineral with a hardness of 7.

Clear Calcite

I feel healed

Clear calcite can help you heal your spiritual side and protect you when astral travelling.

Associated with the crown chakra.

Calcite is a calcium carbonate mineral with a hardness of 3.

Clear Quartz

I Feel Masterful

Clear Quartz is known as the master crystal. Clear Quartz are the most powerful and energizing of all crystals. Good for amplifying other crystals.

Clear Quartz is associated with all chakras. 

Clear quartz is a quartz-based mineral with a hardness of 7. 


Cobalto Calcite

I feel lifted

Cobalto calcite is you to feel lifted when you are feeling uneasy and heavy with emotions.

Associated with the heart chakra.

Cobalto calcite is a calcium carbonate with cobalt and has a hardness of 3.

Crazy Lace Agate

I feel Fun

Need more fun in your life. Crazy lace agate helps you to remember to let loose and have fun.  Life does not have to be so serious.

Associated with the third eye chakra.

Crazy lace agate is a banded chalcedony with a hardness of 7.

Dalmatian jasper

I feel devotion

Dalmatian jasper helps you to feel devoted and balances your yin yang energy.

Associated with root chakra

Dalmatian jasper is a quartz-based mineral with a hardness of 7.


I feel spiritual

Danburite is a good crystal to help you connect with your spiritual, intuitive side. Helps with stress release.

Associated with the heart, third eye and crown chakras.

Danburite is a calcium boron silicate with a hardness of 7. 


Dendritic agate

I feel growth

Helps with inner personal growth and a connection to nature. Helps you to branch out in all areas of your life.

Associated with root and heart chakras.

Dendritic agate is a chalcedony with manganese or iron oxide minerals and has a hardness of 7. 

Dendritic Opal

I feel lucidity

Dendritic opal is helps to bring balance, harmony, and clarity. This is a good crystal to work with during past live mediation. 

Associated with the third eye and crown chakra. 

Dendritic opal is a hydrated silica and has a hardness of 5.5-6.

Desert rose selenite

I feel rejuvenated 

Desert Rose Selenite helps you to feel rejuvenated. Good when you need a boost spiritually or physically. The selenite is form when sand becomes imbedded in the blades and the addition of water makes these beautiful rosette formations. 

Associated with the crown chakra.

Desert rose selenite is a selenite gypsum and has a hardness of 2.

Dogs tooth calcite

I feel trust

Dogs tooth calcite helps bring peace, harmony, and trust into your life. Helps you to overcome setbacks.

Associated with third and crown chakras.

Dogs tooth calcite is a calcium carbonate and has a hardness of 3.


I feel well balanced

Dolomite helps you to remain centered and balanced. Also helps you to remain calm and remember to bring enjoyment into your life.

Associated with all chakras.

Dolomite is a calcium magnesium carbonate and has a hardness 3.5-4. 


Dragon bloodstone

I feel resolution

Dragon bloodstone helps you to stay determined and to get resolution for whatever you are working for.

Associated with the root and heart chakra.

Dragon bloodstone is a chalcedony that has green epidote and red piemontite inclusions and has a hardness of 7.

Dravite Tourmaline

I feel my shadow self

Dravite tourmaline is a good crystal to hold while doing shadow work. Good for protection and grounding.

Associated with the root, and sacral chakra. 

Dravite is a sodium magnesium aluminum boro-silicate. 


I feel enhanced

Dumortierite helps to bring peace, tranquility, and mental clarity to your life. Also helps you to connect with your inner wisdom and guidance.

Associated with the throat and third eye chakra.

Dumortierite is an aluminum boro-silicate mineral and has a hardness of 7.


I feel love and compassion

Emerald helps you to feel love and compassion towards yourself and others. Is the birthstone for the month of May.

Associated with the heart chakra.

Emerald is a beryl and has a hardness of 8.  



I Feel Lighter

Epidote makes you feel lighter and more at ease. If the world is bringing you stress epidote will help.

Good for the heart chakra.

Epidote is a silicate mineral and has a hardness of 7.


I feel inner strength

Eudialyte helps you to connect with your inner strength. Good for emotional healing and helping new love to grow.

Associated with the heart chakra.

Eudialyte is a cyclosilicate mineral and has a hardness of 5-6.

Fancy Jasper

I feel Steady

Fancy jasper can help you to feel steady and grounded. Helps to calm an overacted mind.

Associated with all the chakras.

Fancy jasper is a quartz-based crystal with a hardness of 7.

Flower Agate

I feel radiant

Flower agate helps you to bloom into your very own radiant self, while staying grounded. Helps you to work through inner trauma.

Associated with the root and heart chakra.

Flower agate is a chalcedony with iron oxide and has a hardness of 7.


Flower wood Jasper

I feel Rejoiceful

Flower wood jasper helps to life spirits and bring more inner joy to your life. Also helps to nurture calm.

Associated with the root and sacral chakra.

Flower wood jasper is a quartz-based crystal with a hardness of 7.


I feel Mental Clarity

Fluorite helps to bring mental clarity to yourself. It helps with memory recall, concentration and helps to boost confidence. 

Associated with the third eye and crown chakra.

Fluorite is a calcium fluoride with a hardness of 4.


 I feel goodwill

Fuchsite helps you to appreciate the beauty around you. Helps you to have goodwill and acceptance of others. Also associated with the fairies and sprites. 

Associated with the heart chakra. 

Fuchsite is a chrome mica and has a hardness of 2-3. 


I feel reflective

Galena helps to reflect your inner self so you can transform into a better version of yourself.

Associated with the root chakra.

Galena is a lead sulfide and has a hardness of 2.5. It is a good idea to wash your hands after handling.


I Feel Motivated

Garnet helps to get you motivated and self confidence. Great to use when your get up and go has got up and went.

Good for the sacral chakra.

Garnet is a silicate and has a hardness of 7.

Gold sheen obsidian

I feel personal power

Gold sheen obsidian helps you to realize your personal power within you. Just like the gold flecks hiding in the stone. You also have hidden gold within you.

Associated with the root and solar plexus.

Gold sheen obsidian is a silica rich volcanic mineral with a hardness of 5.5.

Golden healer

I feel Golden

Golden healer helps you to shine your beautiful light to the world. It emanates a soft healing power.

Associated with all chakras.

Golden healer is a quartz-based crystal with a hardness of 7.

Grape Agate

I feel united

Grape agate is botryoidal purple chalcedony. Small spheres grow together forming a grape like characteristics to the crystal. Helps to remove fear and brings joy and emotional growth. Also, good for dream work and helping to see the big picture once all the smaller pieces come together.

Associated with the third eye and crown chakras.

Grape agate is a chalcedony with a hardness of 7.

Green Aventurine

I Feel Optimism

Green aventurine helps to make you feel optimistic, positive, and happy. Also good for creating wealth and prosperity.

Associated with the heart chakra.

Green aventurine is a quartz-based crystal with a hardness of 7.

Green calcite

I feel relaxed

Green calcite can help you to relax and reduces jealousy and anger. Also helps you to connect to nature.

Associated with the heart chakra.

Green calcite is a calcium carbonate mineral with a hardness of 3.

Green Jasper

I feel supported

Green jasper is a great crystal to help you feel supported and fulfill your potential. Helps to regulate sleep cycles and reduce nightmares.  

Associated with the root and heart chakra. 

Green jasper is a quartz-based crystal with a hardness of 7.

Green tourmaline

I feel vitality

Green tourmaline protects you from negative energies, healing the mind body and spirit. Also connects you to natural realms

Associated with the heart chakra.

Green tourmaline is a complex boron silicate with a hardness of 7.

Grey agate

I feel aligned

Grey agate grounds you and helps you to feel alignment in all areas of your life

Associated with root and crown chakras.

Grey agate is a chalcedony and have a hardness of 7.



I feel unity

Healerite brings joy and openness to your life. It is also good for self love acceptance and emotional healing. 

Associated with the solar plexus and heart chakra. 

Healerite is a magnesium silicate and has a hardness of 3-5.


I feel Transformed

Hematite helps to transform your life by becoming more positive, confident, and accepting of your life.

 Associated with the root chakra.

Hematite is an iron oxide with a hardness of 5.

Hematite quartz

I feel guided

Hematite quartz are hematite inclusions in quartz. Helps to give you guidance when choosing your career. Helps with vitality, courage and bravery. Helps you to take action.

Associated with the root chakra.

Hematite quartz is a silicon dioxide with iron oxide with a hardness of 7.

Herkimer Diamond

I feel transcendent

Herkimer diamond is a naturally double terminated quartz crystal found only in Herkimer NY. It has a slightly stronger Mohs level then regular quartz. It is great for lucid dreaming and astral travel. Also helps remove negative attachments.

Associated with third eye and crown chakra.

Herkimer diamond is a quartz-based mineral with a hardness of 8.

Honey calcite

I feel action

Honey calcite can help you get the clarity to take action in any situation.

Associated with sacral and solar plexus chakras.

Honey calcite is a calcium carbonate mineral with a hardness of 3.



Heulandite helps you to see your potential. It also helps you to remember your dreams and visions. Good to help with past life regression. 

Associated with the heart, third eye and crown chakras.

Heulandite is a zeolite and has a hardness of 3.5-4. 


I feel Rested

Howlite is good for promoting a restful sleep and having sweet dreams. 

Associated with the third eye and crown chakra. 

Howlite is a calcium borosilicate hydroxide and has a hardness of 3.5.

Indian Agate

I feel eternal

Indian agate helps you to release old wounds and helps to bring a positive outlook on life.

Associated with the root, sacral, solar plexus, and heart chakras.

Indian agate is a quartz-based crystal with a hardness of 7.

Indigo Gabbro

I feel wise

Indigo gabbro helps you to get clear with your inner self and connecting with your higher consciousness. Also good for patience and grounding.

Associated with the root and third eye chakra.

Indigo gabbro is a felspar and has a hardness of 6.5-7.


I feel Open

Iolite opens you up to receive guidance and communication from your guides and angels.

Associated with throat and third eye chakra.

Iolite is a magnesium iron aluminum cyclosilicate and has a hardness of 7. 



I feel lavishness

Jade helps you to enjoy the lavishness, abundance and flow of energy associated with life

Associated with the heart chakra.

Jade is a calcium magnesium and has a hardness of 6.

 Kambaba Jasper

I feel loving kindness

Kambaba jasper can help you to feel kindness and a loving nature to yourself and others. Good for peace and connection to nature.

Associated with the root and heart chakra.

Kambaba jasper is a chalcedony with a hardness of 7.  


I feel kindness

Kunzite helps to bring kindness to yourself and promote emotional healing.

Associated with the sacral and heart chakra.

Kunzite is a lithium aluminum silicate and has a hardness of 7.


I Feel Magic

Do you need some magic in your life, try labradorite? This feldspar helps to bring magical mystical experience to your life. Labradorite is also good for protection.

Good for third eye and crown chakra.

Labradorite is a feldspar and has a hardness of 6.5. 


Lapis Lazuli

I feel my inner voice 

Lapis Lazuli helps you to quite down in order to connect with your inner voice and vision. Helps to encourage psychic insights. 

Associated with the throat and third eye chakras. 

Lapis Lazuli is a silicate mineral with a hardness of 5.


 I feel cool and calm

Larimar helps you to remain cool and calm in stressful situations. Helps to enhance communication.

Associated with the throat chakra.

Larimar is a variety of pectolite which is a acid silicate hydrate of calcium and has a hardness of 4.5-5.



I feel neutralized

Larvikite can help you release anxiety and fear by helping your inner strength to grow.

Associated with the root chakra.

Larvikite is a feldspar and has a hardness of 6.

Leopard skin jasper

I feel nurtured

Leopard skin jasper can help you feel nurtured and protected. It can make you feel strong.

Associated with the root chakra.

Leopard skin jasper is a chalcedony and has a hardness of 7.


l feel calm

Lepidocrocite is a great crystal to help with emotional healing, releasing self destructive behaviour and repairing auric holes.

It is associated with the heart chakra.

Lepidocrocite is an iron hydroxide mineral and has a hardness of 3. 



I Feel Calm

Lepidolite helps to promote calmness, tranquility, and peace.

Associated with the heart chakra.

Lepidolite is a mica and has a hardness of 3.

Lithium Quartz

I feel inner peace

Lithium quartz helps you to find peace with yourself. Also helps to release yourself from negative attachments. It helps heal your heart so you can relax and find harmony.

Associated with all the chakras.

Lithium quartz is a quartz-based crystal with lithium inclusion and has a hardness of 7.

Mahogany obsidian

I feel Worthy

Mahogany obsidian helps you to feel worthy in all you do. As you should already feel. Give you a boost of self worth and helps you to feel balanced. 

Associated with the root chakra. 

Mahogany obsidian is a silica rich volcanic mineral with a hardness of 5.5.


I feel break throughs

Malachite is great for creativity and confidence. Assists in maintaining emotional balance.

Associated with the solar plexus and heart chakra

Malachite is a copper-based mineral with a hardness of 3.5-4 


Mangano Calcite

I feel empathy

Mangano calcite helps to remove bitterness and brings forgiveness and calm to your life.

Associated with the sacral and heart chakra.

Mangano calcite is a calcium carbonate mineral and has a hardness of 3.

Milky quartz

I feel Innocence 

Milky Quartz helps to bring inner peace and tranquility. Helps you to remember your childlike innocence.

Associated with throat and crown chakra. 

Milky quartz is a quartz-based crystal and has a hardness of 7.


I feel soul connections

Moldavite helps with astral travel, soul connections and synchronicities.

Associated with all chakras.

Moldavite is a tektite and has a hardness of 5.5-6.



I feel ageless

Mookaite jasper is said to slow the ageing process. It can also help lift doubt from your mind. 

Good for root, sacral and solar plexus chakras. 

Mookaite is a chalcedony with a hardness of 7.



I feel Mysterious

Mystery can be exciting, the thrill of the unknown. Moonstone is associated with the phases of the moon. Moonstone also brings out our feminine side.

Associated with sacral, heart and third eye chakra.

Moonstone is a feldspar with a hardness of 6

Moqui marble

I feel mystical

Moqui marbles are good crystal to help you stay grounded while doing shamanic journeys. Helps to balance yin and yang aspects.

Associated with the root and third eye chakra.

Moqui marbles an iron oxide with a hardness of 5.


I feel compassion

Morganite helps to bring compassion and forgiveness to yourself and others. Helps to open yourself up to love again.

Associated with the sacral and heart chakras.

Morganite is a beryl and has a hardness of 8. 


Moss agate

I feel Stable

Moss agate is a great stabilizing stone. It helps you to connect with nature, especially plants.

Associated with the root and heart chakra.

Moss agate is a chalcedony and have a hardness of 7.



I feel inspiration

Muscovite is great for inspiration, problem solving and mental stimulation. It is a protective crystal for your energy field.

 Associated with the third eye and crown chakra.

Muscovite is a potassium aluminum silicate with a hardness of 2.5 to 4.




I feel unblocked

Nakauriite helps remove blocks in communication. Helps promote your psychic abilities and can help with emotional healing. Also helps to heal old karmic wounds.

Associated with the crown, third eye and throat chakras.

Nakauriite is found in Japan and is a sulfate mineral, with a hardness of 3.5.

Ocean Jasper

I feel Positive

Ocean jasper helps you to keep a positive attitude in all areas of your life.

Associated with root, heart and third eye chakra.

Ocean jasper is a chalcedony and has a hardness of 7.


I feel shielded

Onyx clears focus and amplifies your intention to feel order. Shields you from negative energy.

Associated with the root chakra.

Onyx is a silicon dioxide and has a hardness of 7.


I feel the cosmos

Look into an opal and it looks like you are looking into the cosmos. Opals help heal your karma, shields your aura and is good for spiritual enhancement.

 Associated with the root, heart, and crown chakra. 

Opals are a form of silica and have a hardness of 5.5-6 


Opalized Fluorite (Tiffany Stone)

I feel Mental Clarity

Fluorite helps to bring mental clarity to yourself. It helps with memory recall, concentration and helps to boost confidence. Opalized fluorite can also help you to seize the moment. 

Associated with the third eye and crown chakra.

Opalized fluorite is a calcium fluoride with a hardness of 4.

Orange Aventurine

I feel contentment

Orange aventurine helps to bring joy, happiness, and contentment into your life. Helps you to remember the simple things in life. 

It is associated with the solar plexus chakra. 

Aventurine is member of the quartz family and has a hardness of 7.

Orange calcite

I feel Happy

Orange calcite is such and bright and joyful crystal. Orange calcite reminds us to bring more happiness and positivity into our lives.

Associated with the sacral chakra.

Orange calcite is a calcium carbonate mineral and has a hardness of 3.

Orchid Calcite

I feel enthusiastic

Orchid calcite is a mixture of orange calcite and black tourmaline. It can help bring enthusiasm into your life. Also refreshes your mind, body, and spirit. Encourages forward movement. 
Associated with the sacral and solar plexus chakras.

 Orchid calcite is a calcium carbonate mineral and has a hardness of 3.

Peach Moonstone

I feel order

Peach moonstone helps you to discover yourself through intuition therefore making your life more peaceful, calm and in order.

Associated with third eye and crown chakra. 

Peach moonstone is a feldspar with a hardness of 6.


Petrified wood

I feel strong

Petrified wood helps with steady growth. Helps to keep you grounded, feeling strong and powerful. Also good for past life recall.

Associated with the root and third eye chakras.

Petrified wood is fossilized wood and has hardness of 7

Picasso Jasper 

I feel inner harmony 

Picasso jasper helps to bring inner harmony to your life and helps you to overcome conflict in your life. It can also bring inspiration for your creativity. 

Associated with the sacral and throat chakras. 

Picasso jasper is a chalcedony and has a hardness of 6.5-7. 


Picture jasper

I feel connected 

Picture jasper helps you to feel connected to mother earth. Helps you to see the beauty in all things.

Associated with the root and sacral chakra. 

Picture jasper is a chalcedony and has a hardness of 7.


I feel clairvoyant

Pietersite helps you feel self-confident and fearless. Helps to increase your clairvoyance and clears your ancestral karma.

Associated with solar plexus and third eye.

Pietersite is a silica and has a hardness of 7.

Pink Amethyst

I feel comfort

Pink amethyst brings balance, harmony, and emotional healing to you. Brings a calming energy to your auric field.

Associated with heart chakra.

Pink amethyst is a quartz-based crystal with a hardness of 7. 

Pink aventurine

I feel enriched

Helps you to enriched in your life and to bring more enrichment into your life. 

Associated with the heart chakra. 

Pink aventurine is a quartz-based crystal with a hardness of 7.

Pink Calcite

I feel complete

Pink calcite helps you to feel complete within your heart and mind, which brings deep joy into your life.

Associated with the heart chakra.

Pink calcite is a calcium carbonate mineral and has a hardness of 3.

Pink tourmaline

I feel stress free

Can help you when you are feeling stressed. It has a calming influence when held.

Associated with the heart chakra.

Polychrome Jasper

I feel tranquil

Polychrome jasper helps to bring tranquility into your life. It can also help to encourage your own creativity, especially for artists.

Associated with all chakras.

Polychrome jasper is a chalcedony and has a hardness of 7. 



I feel gentle

Prehnite emits a gentle energy which helps you connect to inner peace and gentleness with yourself. Also helps you connect to nature.

Associated with the solar plexus and heart chakras.

Prehnite is composed of calcium and aluminum and has a hardness of 6.5.

Puddingstone Jasper

I feel bonded

Puddingstone helps to bond together relationships and is also good tor dream recall and heighten imaginative thinking.

Associated with the crown chakra.

Puddingstone jasper is a chalcedony and has a hardness of 7.


I feel my guides

Purpurite helps you to gain insight and truth. Helps you connect with your spirit guide. Helps you to release stress and worry.

Associated with the crown and third eye chakra.

Purpurite is a manganese iron phosphate mineral with a hardness of 4-4.5.


I Feel Abundance

Pyrite also known as fool’s gold. Pyrite helps to bring abundance into your life financially and spiritually. Keep a piece in your wallet for luck and abundance.

Good for the solar plexus chakra.

Pyrite is an iron sulfide and has a hardness of 6.


Que Sera

I feel inspired

Que sera stone will help you find your inspiration when feeling stuck in a rut.

Associated with the solar plexus.

Que sera is a silica rich mineral and has a hardness of 7.

Rainbow Obsidian

I feel recovery

Rainbow obsidian helps you to recover from emotional wounds. Helps to bring hope, illumination and removes stagnant energies

Associated with the root chakra.

 Rainbow obsidian is a silica rich volcanic mineral with a hardness of 5.5.

Red Aventurine

I feel artistic

Red aventurine helps you to bring out your artistic side, as well as the perseverance to get things done. Great for strength, faith, and endurance.

Associated with the root, sacral and third eye.

Red aventurine is a quartz-based crystal and has a hardness of 7.

Red Calcite

I feel spirited

Red calcite helps to give you energy and brings out a playful spirit in us.

Associated with the root and crown chakra.

Red calcite is a calcium carbonate mineral and has a hardness of 3. 


Red Jasper

I feel Energy

Red Jasper can help you to feel energized when you are feeling sluggish. Keeps you grounded and helps you remember your dreams.

Associated with the Root chakra.

Red jasper is a chalcedony and has a hardness of 7.

Red tigers eye

I feel stimulated

Red tigers eye can help stimulate your libido and make you feel alive.

Associated with the root and sacral chakra.

Red tigers eye is a silicon dioxide and has a hardness of 7.


I feel compassion and empathy

Rhodochrosite helps you to feel compassion and empathy for yourself and others. It helps with confidence and brings emotional balance to your life

Associated with the heart chakra.

Rhodochrosite is a manganese carbonate and has a hardness of 3.5-4.5.


I feel Discovery

Rhodonite helps to discover cooperation of groups and creation of new friendships.

Associated with the heart chakra. 

Rhodonite is a manganese silicate with a hardness of 7. 


Rose Quartz

I Feel Love

Rose Quartz is the stone of self love, love of family and love of friends.

Associated with the heart chakra.

Rose quartz is a quartz-based crystal and has a hardness of 7.  

Ruby Fuchsite

I feel value

Ruby Fuchsite can help you remember that you are valued, and worthy.

Associated with the heart chakra.

Ruby fuchsite is a combination of corundum and chrome mica and has a hardness of 7.

Ruby Kyanite

I feel live energy

Ruby Kyanite can help increase life force energy. Helps to open intuition, inspiration, courage, and passion.

Associated with all the chakras.

Ruby kyanite is a combination of corundum and aluminum and has a hardness of 4.5-6.5.

Ruby Zoisite

I feel my true self

Ruby Zoisite can help you connect with your true self and bring an inner and outer awakening.

Associated with root, heart and third eye chakras.

Ruby zoisite is a combination of corundum and calcium aluminum and has a hardness of 7. 


Rutile quartz

I feel amplified

Rutile quartz helps with amplification and attuning with your cosmic flow. Helps to quicken manifestations.

Associated with all the chakras.

Rutile quartz is a quartz-based crystal and has a hardness of 7.


I feel stability

Grace under pressure. Millions of years old sand pressurized. Helps you to flow with change and feel refreshed after rest.

Associated with the root and sacral chakra.

Sandstone is a silica and has a hardness of 6-7


I feel divine energy

Scolecite helps you to find inner peace, relaxation, and tranquility. Helps awakening your heart.

Associated with the third eye and crown chakra.

Scolecite is a calcium aluminum silicate with a hardness of 5-5.5. 



I Feel Cleansed

Selenite is a wonderful stone for cleansing your energy and other crystals. Helps to cleanse your aura and all chakras. Helps to bring harmony and peace.

Associated with the crown chakra.

Selenite is a variety of gypsum and has a hardness of 2. 



I feel brave

Septarian helps you to feel brave, gives you courage and calms your anger. Makes you feel in control.

Associated with the root chakra.

Septarian is a combination of aragonite, calcite and limestone and has a hardness of 4.


I feel kundalini energy

Helps to balance mind body and soul, while connecting to your kundalini or life force energy. Aids in past life regression.

Associated with the heart chakra.

Serpentine is a magnesium iron phyllosilicate with a hardness of 5.


I feel spiritual wisdom

Shattuckite enhances intuition and connection to your akashic records. Helps protect you with astral travel.

Associated with heart, throat and third eye chakra.

Shattuckite is a copper silicate and has a hardness of 3.5

Shiva Lingam

I feel rebirth.

Shiva lingam helps you to feel reborn. To increase will power and strength within yourself. 

Associated with the root and sacral chakra.

Shiva lingam is a chalcedony crystal and has a hardness of 7.



I Feel Detoxification

Shungite is helps to eliminate harmful EMF that come from electronic devices. It helps to modify negative energy to positive.

Good for solar plexus, third eye and crown chakras.

Shungite is carbon and has a hardness of 3.5.

Silver sheen Obsidian

I feel seen

Silver sheen obsidian helps you to see yourself as others see you. Helps you to make decision and keep you grounded and protected.

Associated with the root chakra.

Silver sheen obsidian is a silica rich volcanic mineral with a hardness of 5.5.

Silverleaf Jasper

I feel determination

Silverleaf jasper is a good crystal for travel. Also great for willpower, mental clarity and bringing wholeness into your life.

Associated with all chakras.

Silverleaf jasper is a chalcedony and has a hardness of 7.

Smoky Quartz

I Feel Grounded

Smoky quartz is a good grounding stone and helps to protect from negative energy. Helps to remove fear.

Associated with the root chakra.

Smoky quartz is a quartz-based crystal and has a hardness of 7.


Snowflake obsidian

I feel balanced

Snowflake obsidian helps to bring balance into your life. Good for protection and growth. Brings yin and yang in balance. Helps to bring out the best in any situation. 

Good for the root chakra.

Snowflake obsidian is a silica rich volcanic mineral with a hardness of 5.5.


I feel peaceful

Soapstone helps to bring a calming peaceful energy. It also helps you to deal with change in a positive way.

Associated with the root, heart, and crown chakra.

Soapstone is a combination of talc and shist and has a hardness of 2.5.



I feel Insightful 

Sodalite helps to find the inner truth and the ability to express it. Good to use during mediation. 

Associated with the throat and third eye chakra.

Sodalite is a tectosilicate and has a hardness of 5.5.

Specularite Hematite

I feel hope

Specularite helps you to find hope, optimism, and luck. It encourages positive thinking.

Associated with the root chakra.

Specularite is a variety of hematite containing iron oxide and titanium dioxide and has a hardness of 5-6.


I feel clear headed

Sphalerite helps you to see clearly when someone is trying to gaslight you. Helps to keep you grounded while having a high vibration. Helps you to recover from cults and religious abuse. Keeps you strong and courageous.

Associated with the root, sacral and solar plexus.

Sphalerite is a zinc sulfide mineral and has a hardness of 3.5 to 4.

Spirit quartz

I feel harmonized

Helps you to connect to your spirit guides, and the fairy realm. Also helps you to connect with your inner child

Associated with the solar plexus, third eye and crown chakras.

Spirit quartz is a quartz-based crystal and has a hardness of 7.



I feel fairy energy

Staurolite also known as fairy cross. Helps you to connect to fairy and earth energies. Helps you to feel safe and balanced.

Associated with the root, heart, third eye and crown chakra. 

Staurolite is a combination of aluminum, silicon and oxygen and has a hardness of 7-7.5


I feel Expansive and Blissful

Stilbite is wonderful crystal it brings such an expansive blissful feel to the person holding it.

Associated with sacral and heart chakra.

Stilbite is a sodium calcium hydrous aluminum silicate and has a hardness of 4.


I feel appreciation

Stichtite helps you to feel appreciation of joy in your life. Also helps to activate your kundalini.

Associated with the root, heart, and crown chakra.

Stichtite is a magnesium chromium carbonate and has a hardness of 1.5-2.


I feel fearless

Stromatolite helps you to release your fears and envy. Also good to work with when connecting to past lives and your Akashic records.

Associated with the crown chakra.

Stromatolite is a silica, mainly layers of limestone formed by blue-green algae, and has a hardest of 7.


I feel hopeful

Sugilite helps you to feel positive and hopeful. Helps dissolve negativity and brings spirit protection.

Associated with third eye and crown chakra.

Sugilite is composed of silicon and oxygen and has a hardness of 5.5-6.5. 



I feel patience

Sulfur is a great stone for cleansing caustic attitudes. Helps to remind you to be patient.

Associated with the solar plexus chakra.  

Sulfur is made of sulfates and sulfide minerals and has a hardness of 2.


I feel enlightened

Sunstone enlightens your positive leadership qualities. Helps you to overcome self doubt.

Associated with the sacral and solar plexus chakra.

Sunstone is a feldspar with a hardness of 6.

Super Seven-Melody stone

I feel a union

Super seven or Melody stone is made up of seven minerals. Clear quartz, amethyst, smoky quartz, cacoxenite, goethite, lepidocrocite and rutile. Super seven helps to connect humankind, helps you to release what is holding you back, helps to open chakras.

Associated with all chakras.

Super seven has a hardness of 7. 


Tangerine quartz

I feel affluence

Tangerine quartz helps with trauma and karmic release. Also, good to help bring prosperity and abundance into your life. Increased your creativity, sexuality, and curiosity.

Associated with the sacral chakra.

Tangerine quartz is a quartz-based crystal and has a hardness of 7.



I feel telepathic

Tektite helps you to connect with other realms and helps with telepathic communication.

Associated with third eye.

Tektite is a tektite and has a hardness of 5.5-6.5

Tiger Iron

I feel strength

Tiger Iron is a great grounding stone with provides strength and energy. Helps you to overcome insecurities.

Associated with root and sacral chakras.

Tiger Iron is a combination of quartz, jasper and hematite and has a hardness of 7.

Tiger’s eye

I Feel Practical

Tigers eye helps to keep you grounded and to remember practically. Helps you to sort through details in your life.

Associated with the solar plexus.

Tigers eye is a silicon dioxide and has a hardness of 7.

Tourmalinated Quartz

I feel regulated

Tourmalinated quartz helps you to feel regulated by harmonizing your mind and body. Helps with reducing negativity, releases stress and amplifies protection.

Associated with the root and crown chakra.

Tourmalinated quartz is a quartz with needles of black tourmaline and has a hardness of 7.

Tree agate

I feel Rooted

Tree agate helps to make you feel rooted to Mother Earth. Helps you to realize your place in this earth and to appreciate nature. 

Associated with root and heart chakra. 

Tree agate is a chalcedony and have a hardness of 7. 



I feel whole

Turquoise will help you to feel whole and find your truth. Helps to connect to your inner wisdom and helps you to forgive yourself.

Associated with the throat chakra.

Turquoise is a combination of copper and aluminum phosphate and has a hardness of 5-6.


I feel my ancestors

Turritella agate helps you to connect to nature and your ancestors. It also helps you to release unwanted energy.

Associated with root and sacral chakras.

Turritella are chalcedony and have a hardness of 7.


I feel elevated

Ulexite also known as the TV stone. Helps you to get clarity and lucidity. Helps to raise your energy and helps you to see the hidden meanings.

Associated with the third eye chakra.

Ulexite is a borate mineral and has a hardness of 2.5.


I feel the present moment

Unakite helps you to remain in the present moment. Helps to release the regret of yesterdays and worries of what tomorrow will bring.

Associated with the heart chakra.

Unakite is a combination of feldspar and epidote and has a hardness of 7.



I feel stamina

Vanadinite helps with stamina and instils joy and creativity. Also, helps manifest prosperity.

Associated with the root and sacral chakras.

Vanadinite is composed of lead, vanadium, oxygen, and chlorine and has a hardness of 3.


I feel inspiration

Vivianite helps to inspire you when you are feeling low. It is also good for bringing love and compassion into your life.

Associated with the heart chakra.

Vivianite is an iron phosphate and has a hardness of 2.5.

Watermelon tourmaline

I feel delighted

Watermelon tourmaline helps to bring calm and joy into your life. Creating balance to help you to feel delighted.

Associated with the heart chakra.

Watermelon tourmaline is a complex borosilicate and has a hardness of 3. 


Yellow calcite

I feel joy

Yellow calcite helps you to feel joy and happiness in your life. Helps to bring out a creative side to yourself. 

Associated with solar plexus chakra.

Yellow calcite is a calcium carbonate mineral and has a hardness of 3. 


Yellow jasper

I feel Vital

Feeling sluggish? Yellow jasper helps bring more vitally into your life. Also helps to maintain abundance. 

Associated with the solar plexus chakra

Yellow jasper is a chalcedony and has a hardness of 7.

Yellow tourmaline

I feel self-assured

Yellow tourmaline helps you to feel confident and self-assured. It helps you to think clearly so you can problem solve.

Associated with the solar plexus chakra.

Yellow tourmaline has sodium magnesium and has a hardness of 7-7.5


I feel fluorescent

This crystal will make you remember that you can still glow even when you are feeling dark. Yooperlite is a florescent sodalite.

Associated with the throat chakra.

Yooperlite is a tectosilicate and has a hardness of 7.

Zebra Calcite

I feel level-headed

Zebra calcite is a good crystal for calming when feeling stressed. Helps you to release past hurts and pain. Helps you to remember who you are.

Associated with the solar plexus and third eye chakra.

Zebra calcite is a calcium carbonate mineral and has a hardness of 3. 

Zebra Jasper

I feel momentum

Zebra Jasper helps you to stay balanced and overcome procrastination. It is good for reducing stress and anxiety. Helps to bring tranquility and inner guidance.

Associated with the root and crown chakra.

Zebra jasper is a chalcedony and has a hardness of 7.


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