Crystals for self love

Posted by Elizabeth van Ophem on

Crystals for Self love

Self love is very important. You should always love yourself, but I realize that many have as Jennifer Grace says an itty bitty shitty committee in their head, giving them self doubt and false beliefs about themselves. Your can wear them, carry them, or place them anywhere in your home.  Here are some common crystals that can help with self love.

Rose quartz

Rose quartz is from the quartz family, which is a silicon dioxide crystal with a Mohs hardness of 7.

 Rose quartz is known as the love crystal, but it is for self love. It is also for love of family and friends. It helps you to feel compassion for yourself and emotional healing.

 Rose quartz is associated with the heart chakra.


Aquamarine is from the beryl family and has a Mohs hardness of 7.5-8. It is also the birthstone for March.

Aquamarine helps you to accept yourself and speak your truth. It is good for soothing and calming anger.

Aquamarine is associated with the heart and throat chakra.


Crazy lace agate

Crazy lace agate is also part of the quartz family and is a 7 on the Mohs hardness scale.

Crazy lace agate helps you to remember to let loose and have fun. Life does not need to be so serious. It helps you to keep a positive outlook, knowing you can get through anything life throws at you.

Cray lace agate is associated with the third eye and crown chakras.

Crazy lace agate


Emerald is a member of the beryl family and has a Mohs hardness of 7.5-8. It is the birthstone for the month of May.

Emerald helps you to connect with love and compassion for yourself as well as others. Emerald helps to bring loyalty to your relationships. It helps to bring balance to your life and transforms negative energy into positive. Emerald helps you to act from your heart.

It is associated with the heart chakra.



Eudialyte is a silicate mineral. It rates a 5-5.5 on the Mohs hardness scale.

Eudialyte helps you to connect to your inner strength. It helps with emotional healing eases regret and encourages self love.  It also helps new love to grow.

It is associated with the root and heart chakra.



Healerite is a magnesium silicate. It has a 2.5-4 hardness on the Mohs hardness scale.

Healerite helps to bring joy and openness to your life. It also helps to bring self love and acceptance to you.

It is associated with the solar plexus, heart and third eye chakras.



Kunzite is a spodumene crystal. Kunzite is named after George Kunz a gemstone specialist. It has a Mohs hardness of 6-7.

Kunzite helps to open the heart for self love and love for humanity, animals, plant, and minerals. It helps you to feel safe and protected emotionally. It reminds you to be kind to yourself.

Kunzite is associated with the sacral and heart chakras.


Lithium quartz

Lithium quartz is a quartz-based crystal with a 7 on the Mohs hardness level.

Lithium quartz helps to open the heart chakra and give you emotional peace. It helps remove unhealthy attachments and promotes emotional healing.

Associated with the heart and third eye chakra.

Lithium quartz

Mahogany Obsidian

Mahogany obsidian is silica rich volcanic glass. On the Mohs hardness scale, it rates a 5-6.

Mahogany obsidian helps you to release feelings of unworthiness, and limitations. It helps to boost your self worth.

Associated with the root and sacral chakras.

Mahogany Obsidian


Morganite is also part of the beryl family and is sometimes called a pink emerald.

Morganite helps you to connect to divine love. It helps you to open your heart and release old pains. Morganite helps us to see our path more clearly. It helps us to accept ourselves and be more compassionate and forgiving to ourselves.

Associated with the sacral and heart chakras.


Peach moonstone

Peach moonstone is a feldspar. It rates a 6-6.5 on Mohs hardness scale.

Peach moonstone helps improve our self esteem and inspires hope. It helps to aid in emotional healing to bring calm in your life. It can also help you discover your beautiful self.

Associated with the solar plexus and crown chakras.

Peach moonstone

Pink calcite

Pink calcite is a calcium carbonate mineral and is also called Mangano calcite. It has a 3 on the Mohs hardness scale.

Pink calcite helps remove bitterness and brings feeling of compassion and forgiveness. It helps to soothe troubles.  Helps you to accept and feel complete with yourself. Helps you to love yourself unconditionally.

Associated with the heart chakra.

Pink calcite/Mangano calcite

Ruby zoisite

Ruby zoisite is a corundum with chromium. It is a 6.5-7 on the Mohs hardness scale.

Ruby zoisite helps you to connect with your true self. It gives you a sense of well being. It helps release stagnant emotions, instills joy, and promotes love.

Associated with the root, heart and third eye chakras.

Ruby Zoisite

Silversheen obsidian

Silversheen obsidian is volcanic glass and has a Mohs hardness of 5-6.

Silversheen obsidian helps you to see yourself in others and reconciles inner conflict. It also helps you to connect to the divine feminine.

Associated with the root chakra.

Silversheen Obsidian


Vivianite is a phosphate mineral. It has a 1-5-2 on the Mohs scale.

Vivianite can help to inspire you. It helps to bring love and compassion into your life. Vivianite allows you to listen to your heart and invites tolerance.

Associated with the heart chakra.



Here are just a few crystals to help you with self love.

The Mohs scale is scale of hardiness used to classify minerals. It ranges from 1 to 10, with 1 being the softest, chalk is a 1 on the scale to 10 which is the hardest, a diamond is a 10.